Confessional by Jack Higgins

Rating: 4/5
Book read between August 12th 2016 and 14th August,2016

Edition Details:
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 256
Publisher: Pan Books
Series : Liam Devlin #3

First Sentence:
When the Land Rover turned the corner at the end of street, Kelly was passing the church of the Holy Name.

Mikhail Kelly aka Cuchlain has been active in Ireland from the past twenty three years. His sole aim has been to create chaos, fear and disorder. He has been responsible for growing tension between IRA and british intelligence.
But there is one thing about him. He is a ghost. There are very few people who know he exists. The KGB which had trained him now wants him dead. They think he’s got out of hand.But it’s not so easy to get Cuchulain.
 Meanwhile, Cuchulain has planned to hit someone which could worsen the condition.
Standing between him and his target is Liam Devlin. Liam was a former member of IRA who is  retired and now teaches at a university. He’s been asked by the british intelligence to help them and IRA in finding Cuchulain. 
Will he succeed or will Cuchulain would be successful in hitting his final target?

Jack Higgins’s Confessional was a fun read. It’s 3rd in the Liam Devlin series. I haven’t read the other books in the series but this novel has piqued my interest in it.
The book is a thriller and revolves around the conflict between Ireland and Britain. Personally, i don’t  have much knowledge about this issue but  i think i’ll read up on it. 
Speaking about the book.It was an entertaining read. But what i liked about it most was the character of Cuchulain. He’s the antagonist in the book.He’s cold and kills without remorse but I often found myself rooting for him. He’s one of the few antagonists that made me feel that way. Although it’s a Liam Devlin series but Cuchulain clearly overshadowed him in this novel. 
The only thing that irked me a little was  that  there were times i felt that the book was moving a rather slow pace. It can sometime works against thrillers but didn’t affect this in such a bad way.
If you like thrillers then i think like me you would like it too. You can get the book from the following link:
If you have read the book do tell me how did you like it. 

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

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