The Cheerleader – Caroline B Cooney

Rating: 2.5/5
Read on January 1st 2017

Edition Details:
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 179
Publisher: Scholastic
ISBN: 9780590551298
Series: Point Horror #18, Vampire’s Promise #1

First Sentence:
“Suppose,” it said, in its voice like antique silk, faded and slightly torn, “that i could make you popular.”

Althea was a no body. The high school has been difficult for her. She was popular in her middle school. She had friends, joy and a buzzing social life. She didn’t know what happened but in high school she found herself to be a social pariah. The qualities that had attracted her friends to her in high school now repelled them. And she didn’t like it.

She wanted to be popular. And in high school the easiest way to do was to get selected in the cheerleader squad. But she knew she couldn’t make it on her own.

And then she met him. He was a vampire who used to live in the shutters. He offered to make her popular in her school.  He said he could make sure she gets the spot, of course, at a price.

Would Althea find in herself to pay the price? What was the price? What would be the consequences of this bargain?

The cheerleader is the eighteenth point horror book. It’s the second one by Caroline B Cooney that i have read. Point horror is a series of horror books for the young adult. I like reading books for young adults and so i thought i would give it a try. I have read the two books (including this one) of this series and can say that these two would have been popular among girls.

I liked the concept of this book. Althea is a girl who yearns for popularity and she does a deal with a devil. The devil here was a vampire who had been living in her home. But these kind of deals have never gone good and this is not the exception.

The book was creepy at some points and held my interest. There was a time when it got a few laughs outta me.

“I don’t need you,” she said.”Go away and stay away.”
The Vampire stared at her. His jaw dropped in disbelief, and for the first time she saw his tongue.

I kept imagining this scene and couldn’t help myself from laughing. But most of the time it was childish and too girly for me.

If Caroline B Cooney has written books for adults then i would definitely try that but i wouldn’t be trying any more of this series by her.

If you have read some of her other books then do recommend them in the comment section.

If you have read point horror books then please do recommend some good ones. If you haven’t read the book and want to read it you can get it from the following links:


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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

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