The Inhuman Condition by Clive Barker

Read Between 28th of September 2015 to October 4th 2015

Rating : 3/5
Edition Details :
Format : Paperback
Page Count : 254
Publisher : Pocket Books 
Series : Books Of Blood #4
The Inhuman Condition by Cliver Barker is a collection of five stories by the author. The stories in the collection are :
1) The Inhuman Condition 3/5

First Sentence:
“Are you the one, then?” Red demanded, seizing hold of the derelict by the shoulder of his squalid gabardine.
Red and his cronies were a bunch of hooligans for whom harassing someone for fun was nothing new. And they were doing same with that drunkard called Mr. Pope. But they had no idea what they were letting themselves into?

It was an entertaining story and i loved it. The story was fast paced and kept my interest till the end.

2)The Body Politic 4/5

First Sentence :
Whenever he woke, Charlie George’s hand stood still.

What will you do when a part of your body revolts against you? The thought is scary right. This amazing story revolves around this idea. Charlie George was an average man with a normal life that is until his hands decided to get themselves free from his dominion. What happened next? Well, read the story fell.
It’s one of my favorite story in the collection and one that terrified me the most. 

3) Revelations 3/5

First Sentence:

There had been talk of tornadoes in Amarillo; of cattle, cars,and sometimes entire houses lifted up and dashed to the earth again, of whole communities laid waste in a few devastating moments.

John Gyer was a preacher and a very famous one at that. He along with his wife Virginia and driver Earl were going to Pampa for a sermon when due to bad weather they decided to spend a night in the motel And so they reached Cottonwood motel.
John and Virginia are not exactly a happy couple.Virginia is fed with John’s ways and there is tension bubbling inside their relationship.
They were not the only couple there. Sadie and Buck were also visiting Cottonwood motel again.The only difference being that last time Sadie and Buck had visited here Sadie had killed Buck and was herself given the chair for the murder. Now they want to retrace their steps thirty year later to see if they could change it.

What will this night bring for the two couples? Well, read the story to find out.
It was an entertaining story. I liked it although i didn’t find it that scary.

4) Down, Satan! 2.5/5

First Sentence:
Circumstances had made Gregorious rich beyond all calculation.

Gregarious is filthy rich. He has everything in the world except faith. But he has plans to rekindle that losing faith of his. And they don’t seem sane.
It was an okay story.

5)The Age of Desire 3/5

First Sentence:
The burning man propelled himself down the steps of the Hume Laboratories as the police car-summoned, he presumed, by the alarm either Welles or Dance had set off upstairs- appeared at the gate and swung up the driveway.
We all have desires and most of us can quench it. But what would happen if those desires would become unquenchable. This is the premise of this story. A new drug has been developed which was intended to be the one real working aphrodisiac. Jerome was one of the test subject. And he didn’t knew that once the effect of the drug starts it wears only after the subject dies.
It was an entertaining read although a bit scary. It was scary to imagine a guy being perpetually horny. And whatever he does he doesn’t get the release. Man’ that would be a bad life.
Well at the end i would say it was a good collection and i had fun reading it. Body Politic was my favorite from the collection followed by The Inhuman Condition and Revelations. The good thing about the book is that the writer has tried to incorporate different elements of horror in each of the story. The first one is of a supernatural being, another one is bizarre, the third one is a ghost story , the fourth one being story about a man’s gradual descent to insanity and the last one being the horror brought by modern science.

If you have read the book. Please, comment what you feel about it. If you haven’t then you can look through them. They are a fun read.

You can get the book from the following links:

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

विकास नैनवाल को अलग अलग तरह के विषयों पर उन्हें लिखना पसंद है। एक बुक जर्नल नाम से एक वेब पत्रिका और दुईबात नाम से वह अपनी व्यक्तिगत वेबसाईट का संचालन भी करते हैं।

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