Conductors and Mind Games : Two kindle short stories by two different authors

If you like to read then kindle can offer you a gamut of things to read from. The kindle store is full of books that are on deals and if you are vigilant enough you can get few of them for really good prices. Plus, the unlimited version also gives you a lot of options to quench that thirst of words.

I often do scour the store and get my self few goodies that i like to read in my free time. The short stories are my priority as they take very less amount of time and i can complete it while waiting for a auto or taxi. 
In April i read Conductors by Joshua Scribner and Mind Games by Ben Rehder. I will write about these two in this post.

Conductors by Joshua Scribner and Mind Game by Ben Rehder

Conductors by Joshua Scribner

Read on 3rd April 2019

Edition Details:

Format: E-book
Asin: B004OEIU32
Page Count: 20
Price: 71 Rs (free for kindle unlimited)

First Sentence:
James Tate had hoped that the alcohol would take him away.

James Tate is in pain. He wants to forget. He wants to drown his sorrows in alcohol. But nothing is helping him. Nothing can assuage the pain he is in.

It was his normal routine. He used to come from work, get drunk and then used to pass-out in front of his computer.

But this time when he woke up, something had changed. James finds that he has been transported into a prison. And he’s not alone. There is another man with him and he too is unaware as to what brought him there.

Who’s the other guy? How did they get there? How will they get out?

Major Characters:
James tate – A therapist
Monty- A prisoner

Conductors by Joshua Scribner was a weird read for me.

It starts of pretty good. The premise is great and hooks you instantly. You want to read to find out what would happen next. How did the main character reach where he reached? How will he get out of there? What about the other guy. These are questions that arise in you mind and you know as you’ll read the pages the answer will unfold before you.

I felt the same and hence kept reading. I finished the story but i ended up being a lot more confused than i was through out the story. Was it a dream?  If yes, then what was the significance of the parcel that the main character receives? And if not then how did it happen? These unanswered questions made it a unsatisfactory read for me in spite of being a page turner.

Rating: 2/5

Mind Games by Ben Rehder

Read on April 12,2019

Edition Details:
Format: E-book 

Asin: B004OEIU32
Page Count: 20
Series:A Blanco County Mystery Series #6.5
Price: 68 Rs (free for kindle unlimited)

First Sentence:
Danny Ray Watts came to see me late on a Friday afternoon, and his clothes were covered with grease and sweat, so i figured he must’ve come straight from the auto shop where he works.

When Danny Ray Watts keeps asking weird questions to Sheriff, it’s normal for the himto believe that the Danny has something in his mind. He is hell bent on taking revenge. And Sheriff has to tell Frank about it.

But does Danny Ray Watts really wants to harm Frank or he just wants to make screw with him.

How are these question going to affect the Frank Landrum? What has Frank done to Danny? How’s the sheriff going to stop it?

Read the story to find out.

Major Characters:
Danny Ray Watts – An autoshop mechanic
Billy Donovan – A deputy at blanco county
Frank Landrum – A mobile home seller who was one of the rich guys in the county
Carol Ann – Franks’s current girlfriend
Bobby – Sheriff of the county

Mind Game by Ben Rehder is a part of Blanco County Mystery series. It’s set up in the same place where most of the novels of this series are based. It was short but an entertaining read.

As the title suggests the, people involved in the story are playing mind games on each other. They are just hinting on doing something but whether they’ll do or not is another question.

I was reading the story and i could not help thinking that if such stuff is done to somebody then it’s worse than actually doing something.The person would be on his guard always. His nerves would always be stretched taut.The situation would be a hell to go through. I pitied Frank.

The story kept me hooked till the end and the way it ended made it a very satisfying read.

Rating: 3.5/5

If you have read these short stories than what did you think of them? If you haven’t and plan to read them then you can get it from the following links:


I have read other short stories. You can read my views about them here:
Short Stories

© विकास नैनवाल ‘अंजान’

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

विकास नैनवाल को अलग अलग तरह के विषयों पर उन्हें लिखना पसंद है। एक बुक जर्नल नाम से एक वेब पत्रिका और दुईबात नाम से वह अपनी व्यक्तिगत वेबसाईट का संचालन भी करते हैं।

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