At the Mountain of Madness – H P Lovecraft

Rating: 2.5/5
Read between June 12th,2017 to June 17th,2017

Edition Details:
Format : E-book
Page Count: 116
Publisher :Enhanced Media Publishing

First Sentence:
I am forced into speech because men of science have refused to follow my advice without knowing why.

When an expedition is announced to Antarctica Dr William Dyer of Miskatonic university is not thrilled. He had lead an expedition there few years ago and that had been a disaster. There were things that his colleague Professor Lake and later their party  had found that no human should know. The things which if found about humans and came to the living world would destroy everything.

William Dyer had fabricated some lies about their expedition and what happened there. Lies about what Danforth had seen that had eventually made him loose his mind. He had done so, so that he could protect the world from the dread that lived there. But now, as the new expedition is ready to go and all his attempts to stop this expedition have failed, he has to tell the truth.

What is the thing that had scared Dr William Dyer so much? What had happened during their expedition? Why did Danforth lose his mind?

I liked the premise of the story. The frozen continent and something unspeakable living there was something that grabbed my interest.
I was reading the book and lapping up all the details that the author gives about elders and their world and was waiting for the dreadful part that had scared the living daylights out of the narrator and his party but i couldn’t share that feeling of dread along with the characters.

There were few moments that were scary but these were not that much. It felt more like reading a report and i can say that if someone had given it to me to dissuade me from going on an expedition then it would have an opposite effect on me. I would be intrigued by all the sculptures and architecture that he talks about in details. I would be willing to see them and analyse them.

There are parts that he didn’t show the reader which he should have shown. I know the story is in first person and it would have been difficult showing it but he could have used another source to show the attack on the camp of his colleague. He could have described the attack and night of the attack  in which 11 people had died and that would have helped in building up the dread quotient.

Also, we saw a lot less of the ‘thing’ that had scared the narrator. I think if the encounter with that thing would have shown more often then it would have been better for the story. We see it slightly in the end before these guys make an escape but that didn’t impress me. It should have been more in your face rather than the subtle way it’s shown. But that’s my viewpoint.

All i can say, the story could have been told in a better way. The details in which Love craft has gone to create the world is great but as a story it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do.This book is considered a horror classic so you can give it a go. I think it should be read for the world that Lovecraft has created rather than for the horror.

If you have read this book then do tell me how did you feel about it.

You can get the book from the following links:
many books free book link
Project Gutenberg link

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

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