Mr Marx’s Secret by E Phillips Oppenheim

Rating: 2/5

Read between June 10,2016 to June 13th,2016
Edition Details:
Format : E-Book(Kindle)
Page Count : 202 

First Sentence:
My home was a quaint, three storeyed, ivy-clad farmhouse in a Midland county.

Philip Morton was always attracted to the Ravenor Castle.Philip Morton’s father George Morton was a tenant on Ravenor Estate. When Philip Morton was eight years old George discovers that his wife Alice might be carrying out an affair. He wants to catch them red handed and one day when he sees his wife meeting a stranger in the dead of night he decides to follow him.
Philip inadvertently becomes witness of this and when he along with his mother try to follow George , they find that he’s been pushed into the swamp by the stranger.
Philips witnesses his father dying and his mother asks him not to say anything to anyone. And she starts withdrawing her love from him.
Although Philip agrees then but he resolves to find out his father’s killer and take his vengeance.
Meanwhile, he feels his mother has hidden from his a secret which would change his life for ever. 
Who was the mysterious stranger? Was Alice carrying out an affair? And if yes, then with whom?
Was Philip able to catch the murderer?What was the secret that Alice  was hiding from Philip?

Time passes and ten years later he finds himself as a ward of Mr Ravenor who wants him to mentor his nephew and agrees to pay for his education. Philip is grateful and readily agrees.
But when he reaches there he finds himself embroiled in  a mystery which will ultimately link him to his father’s murder.

Will he be able to solve the mystery?

I had read this book in the middle of June. I wanted to write about it but all i could remember was a feeling of boredom that i felt during reading this book.
The book started promisingly. Philip’s father being murdered. Philip’s mother carrying out an affair and staying mum although she seem to know who was responsible for George’s death.  Now the story should have been that Philip decides to find out about the killer. He does eventually but the story in between felt boring to me. 
There are parts in it that were interesting and i liked them.That’s why i think it was an okay book.
I haven’t read any other work by E Phillips Oppenheim. He seems to have written many mystery books. I’ll sure check out some of them. If you have read the book do tell me what were your thoughts on reading it. And if you have read other works by him, then i would love if you recommend some good books by him.

If you like me haven’t read any other work of the author then i would recommend starting from this. If you are a fan of his, you can give it a go.
You can get the book from the following link:

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

विकास नैनवाल को अलग अलग तरह के विषयों पर उन्हें लिखना पसंद है। एक बुक जर्नल नाम से एक वेब पत्रिका और दुईबात नाम से वह अपनी व्यक्तिगत वेबसाईट का संचालन भी करते हैं।

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