Lemons Never Lie – Richard Stark

Rating : 3/5
Novel read between July 13th 2016 to July 15th  2016
Edition Details:
Format : Paperback
Page Count: 221
Publisher: Hard Case Crime
Series : Hard Case Crime #22, Alan Grofield #4
First Sentence:

Grofield put a nickel in the slot machine, pulled the lever, and watched a lemon, a lemon and a lemon come up.
Alan Grofield is an actor. He is a stage actor and considers that real acting. But when he’s not acting he supplements his income by participating in heists – often heists organised by Parker.
When he was asked to join one such heist, he went to Las Vegas. The job was being organised by a guy called A drew Meyers. He listens to the plan but finds it insane and so Grofield walks out on him.
But you don’t walk out on Meyers. And if you do there are consequences.

Lemons Never Lie is a Richard Stark book. Donald E Westlake used to write hard boiled crime books using this pseudonym. Most of these books were about a no nonsense thief called Parker.Here also Parker is often talked about.

This book also falls in this category. 
This was a good read. All the characters in the book are criminals. They are thieves who usually just want to steal things and not harm people. The good thing is that their women too know of their profession and although the women are not into this ( stealing ) they let the men their job.
Andrew Meyers is the antagonist and he cuts a chilling figure. He’s ruthless and cruel.He has no scruples and killing is second nature to him.
The thing that irked me in the book was that most of the times the killings were not shown to the reader. We just get to know that Andrew has killed them, so it leaves less impact on the reader. If  the killing would have been shown then Andrew would have been more scarier.

This was the only thing i didn’t like in this book. Apart from this it was an amazing read. The story is fast paced and things keep happening – muggings,murders , kidnapping, heists etc which make the book unputdownable. 
This is my second Richard Stark book. I liked first one which featured Parker better than this one.  But it doesn’t means this is a bad book. It’s a good book but i guess i had higher expectations from it. I’d definitely be checking out other Parker and Alan Grofield books.
If you like hard boiled crime you could give it a go. If you have read it how did you like it?
If you haven’t get it from the following link :

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

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