Death Rattles: Three tales of Horror and the Macabre by Casey Pletcher

Rating: 2/5
Finished On: 6th of March 2014

Death Rattles is collection of three stories by Casey Pletcher. I liked the first story in the collection. I found a concept new. But the rest of the stories were OK. The stories in the book are:

1) Blood on his shirt(Taxicab Number) 3.5/5
A cab driver get a fare in the night. The fare wants him to drive and with a flat rate. Who is this passenger and what he wants from the driver??

A good story. Nothing horrific but kinda interesting. I liked it.

2)Pale Facades on Tormenting Seas 2/5
An okay story. A guy commits a crime and finally pays for it. But i could not get the reference to the seas in the end part of the story.

3)Of the damned 2/5
One has give up a loved one to join Le Concerte de Damnes. Gerald too made a sacrifice. Was it worth it??
A okay story. It started okay and i thought it would lead to something great. But its ending paled in comparison with the start. The last part has lots of blood and gore but the ending seemed abrupt.

Overall the book was an okay read. The first story ‘Blood on his Shirt( Taxicab Number ) is my favorite among the the three.

You can download the book from the following link: link for Death Rattles

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

विकास नैनवाल को अलग अलग तरह के विषयों पर उन्हें लिखना पसंद है। एक बुक जर्नल नाम से एक वेब पत्रिका और दुईबात नाम से वह अपनी व्यक्तिगत वेबसाईट का संचालन भी करते हैं।

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