Choke Hold by Christa Faust

Date Finished On:May 09.2014

Publisher: Hard Case Crime
Series : Angel Dare #2,Hard Case Crime:#104

Choke Hold by Christa Faust is another offering of hers for the hard case crime publication. It’s the second novel in the Angel Dare series, the first one being Money Shot. In the first novel we got acquainted with a hard ass girl, Angel Dare. She was an ex-porn star that ran an agency for the budding adult film performers. But everything for her changes when she find herself embroiled in the middle of human trafficking ring.  For more details about what happened and how Angel came out of it, you’ll have to read Money Shot which was an high octane entertainer.

Now in Choke hold we see Angel Dare working as a waitress in small town near. She has left her life behind and is working towards a new life. While working in the cafe she accidentally meets her old flame Vic. Is this the co-incidence or what??And what happens next?Well,i can tell you only that bodies fall helter skelter, bullets fly and Angel finds herself again facing adversaries that are dangerous and ruthless. Will she be able to stand against them?What would be the outcome? Read the book to know more.

I liked the book. It was an average book which i thought had less action than the previous one. But there was one thing , which is that we get to know about the Angel Dare, the person. She has no issues in using her body for getting things but in the novel we get to know that she has serious intimacy issues. The moment anyone tries to make a bond to her, she gets nervous and confused. This part of her personality was not shown in the first novel(at least i don’t remember it, if it is then my poor memory is to be blamed). Apart from that the other thing that stands out is that unlike the previous book which was about the porn industry, this book has mixed martial arts as its background. The characters are mma enthusiasts and Miss Faust has tried to show the facets of their lives. In the end i would like to say is was an enjoyable read. The start was action packed and the action seems to lag in the latter part, but the suspense and the story more than makes up for it. Now,we have to see if another installment of Angel Dare’s adventures would be released or not.

You can get the books from the following links:
Amazon India link for Choke Hold

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

विकास नैनवाल को अलग अलग तरह के विषयों पर उन्हें लिखना पसंद है। एक बुक जर्नल नाम से एक वेब पत्रिका और दुईबात नाम से वह अपनी व्यक्तिगत वेबसाईट का संचालन भी करते हैं।

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