The Dreadful Doctor Faust by K H Koehler

Rating: 3/5
Read between 6th October, 2016 and October 11th 2016

Edition Details:
Format: E-book
Page Count: 111
Publisher: K H Koehler Books

First Sentence:
The Church of Saint Bridget sat disemboweled.

Poppet had been thrown into the river to die. And she was barely alive when the man in black found her. He worked on her and made her whole. He got her acquainted with another world that exisited beneath her own world. Here was the world where she could feel safe. Here was the world where she would never need anything.

She was different from before and the changes in her should have made her happy but that was not the case with her. She had everything now which she didn’t have in her previous life. But there was something missing. And she knew what it was. Her name was not Poppet. She had a life before this; a name other than Poppet and that life had been destroyed. She knew nothing would be good till she got her revenge.

Who was the man in black? What did he do to her?What was this world beneath the real world?
Who was she? What had happened to her?  And how will she exact her revenge?

The Dreadful doctor faust is not only a story of revenge but also an introduction to the world of Doctor Faust. The story  unfurls before the reader in two time zones: the present and the time when Dr had found Poppet. We are taken through them alternately. We know Poppet is taking revenge and as the story progresses we come to know what had happened to Poppet and how the relationship between doctor and Poppet grew. This made the story more engaging for me as i had to keep reading for finding out why she’s doing what she’s doing. 
As the story progresses we get to know more about the Doctor and his life. How did the doctor came to where he was? What had happened to him ? 
While i was reading the story i was finding myself more interested in story of  Doctor. I wanted to know more about the doctor and the time he had spent before meeting Poppet. But i knew in hundred pages it was not possible but the ending gave me hope. Let’s just say story doesn’t ends here and a pivotal character is introduced.
There were few actions of Poppet that i found were too extreme like killing of the Janitor. Otherwise,I liked reading the book and would definitely read the next book in the series. It was a gripping read for me and if you are looking for an engaging thriller with blood and gore than it would satisfy your appetite.
Some quotes from the book:

She had been chewed, swallowed and digested by the city. Now she was excrement.

His unkempt smoker’s voice cut into the deafening silence like an unwelcomed knife. He was irritated. But he wasn’t afraid, not then, and not until the very end.

His words angered her. And anger was an old friend.

“You are mine,” said the man. The sound of his voice was scorching, like the grind of gears. “Forget the rest. Forget the rage. Forget the pain. And do not raise your hand to me again, Poppet. I gave you this hand,” his fingers closed incrementally tighter about her wrist until she groaned at his strength,”and i can take it off.”

She gave up her reading time only reluctantly. She had grown apart from books in the last few years and now she was rediscovering an old friend.

If you have read the book then do tell me what did you think of it. If you haven’t then you can get the book from the following link:

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

विकास नैनवाल को अलग अलग तरह के विषयों पर उन्हें लिखना पसंद है। एक बुक जर्नल नाम से एक वेब पत्रिका और दुईबात नाम से वह अपनी व्यक्तिगत वेबसाईट का संचालन भी करते हैं।

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