Just the way it is – James Hadley Chase

Rating: 3.5/5
Read between July 30th 2017 to August 2nd,2017

Edition Details:
Format : Paperback
Page Count : 200
Publisher: Mastermind Books

First Sentence: 
Fairview was dying.

Fairview had seen it’s days but now it was slowly dying. Most of the prosperous businesses had moved to neighbouring town Bentonville. Bentonville,the new gambling town, was the in thing. Everyone had given up on Fairvew and placed their bets on Bentonville. And it seemed they were right about it. So when, somebody from Bentonville tried to buy a worthless land named Pinder’s end it was bound to raise some eyebrows. People got curious and soon every one who counted in Bentonville was after that piece of land and they didn’t mind killing for it. When people started dying left and right then everyone understood that the stakes were real high.
What was in Pinder’s end? Who’ll get the land? And what would be the result of the conflict.

Clare Russell is a reporter at Clarion. She thinks there is something fishy in Pinder’s end land deal. She has decided she’ll go the bottom of this matter. Did she got her answers or found out that she had bitten more than what she could chew.

Spade is the one guy that practically controls Bentonville. He has his shares in majority of businesses there whether they be legal ones or illegal ones.But he’s a mystery man. No one knows who he is but they know that he’s the one with whom you don’t mess. If you do, you end up being dead. And he’s decided that he want’s Pinder’s End for himself.

Harry Duke is a gambler and earns his living by gambling at the joints. He’s also got an reputation as a tough cookie so nobody messes with him.

When Harry finds himself embroiled in a murder of a man, he knows he has to find the guy who has framed him. Was Harry able to find him? And where will his investigation lead him? And why was he framed?

A lot of things are happening in Fairview and Bentonville. A lot of questions need to be answered. But you’ll have to read the book to find out about it.

Major Characters of the novel:
Harry Duke: A gambler, a tough guy who has a reputation for being vicious killer
Clare Russell : Reporter of Clarion
Sam trench : Editor of Clarion
Peter Cullen – Friend of Harry. He was seeing Clare.
Phillip Harman- Businessman who had established Clarion
Tod Korris – Right hand man of Spade
Spade – Mob boss of Bentonville.
Paul Schultz : Owner of the joint where Harry used to gamble
Joe:  Driver of Paul Schultz
Lorelli: Schultz’s girl.
Bellman- Owner of Chez Paree, a gambling joint and restaurant. Bellman wanted harry to work in his joint.
Kells – Worked for Bellman
Timson – worked for Bellman
Casy – head of people living in Pinder’s End
Jetkin – Another guy who lived in Pinder’s End

‘Just the way it is’ was an entertaining read for me. It has a right mix of mystery, thrill and action There were enough twists, turns and double crosses to keep my interest till the end. .

All the characters in the book are either broken or they are shady as hell but they fit the story line. The dying town gives a dark, brooding quality to the story.

Harry is a typical protagonist of any noir novel. He’s a bad ass who usually keeps to himself. He usually stays away from trouble but it keeps seeking him.

The character that i found scary was Joe. He’s one of those crazy guys who don’t have remorse or guilt in them. He was somebody that was unpredictable till the end. Lorelli was also someone that could instil fear in any one if she wanted to. I wondered how did her life turned out to be in the end.

The only thing that i felt wrong was about Spade. After all that buildup i think he should have been treated a little better. I wanted more of him than what was given.

If you are looking for some quick paced read then you’d not get wrong with this one.

If you have read it then do tell what did you feel about it? If you haven’t then you can get the book from the following link:

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

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