It rained that Night by Tarang Sinha

Rating: 2/5
Read between 19th March,2018 to 20th  March, 2018

Edition Details:
Format : Paperback
Publisher : Juggernaut Books
Page Count : 44

First Sentence:
The boy hit the ball hard and it glided high in the air.

Anand’s debut novel was well recieved by the public. He’s working on his second book but feels he’s not able to focus on it. So, he decides to move to the town where he had spent part of his childhood. It’s a hill station and he feels that it would give him proper simulation for writing the book. Also, he’s looking forward to visiting the place where he had spent some of his best years of his life.

Little does Anand know that he’ll get more than what he bargained for. Sometimes the trip down the memory lane could lead to horrors that are better left forgotten.

What happened to Anand in the town? Was he able to write the story that he wanted to write?

Read the story to find out.

Anand : A  writer
Vishal , Manoj,Pranav – Anand’s childhood friends
Ananya: Anand’s sister
Kripal : Guy who arranged the house for Anand
Basant : A local guy who owned an eatery in the
I came across Tarang Sinha because of a writer’s melon article when she had interviewed Surendra Mohan Pathak saab. I then read few of her hindi blog posts and loved her style. So when i found out that she had written a horror story i had to read it. 
‘It rained that night’ was an okay read for me. It had promise but there were some issues that relegated it from being a good scary read to just an average story. There were some really good scenes in the story that i enjoyed reading though. 
Talking about the issues there were mainly two for me. 
First one was more of an editing mistake. At page 39 Anand is talking to a Basant when he sees someone and then runs after him.
Anand nodded when his eyes spotted a man walking at some distance. He excused himself and ran towards him.
After this it’s shown that he’s just roaming  and thinking about what Manoj had told him.
It was  dark and Anand didn’t want to return to the guest house. He wandered here and there aimlessly, Manoj’s word ringing in his mind.
After the above statement there is a dialogue by Manoj and then after that the next paragraph is spoken by Basant. Now i was confused what had happened during this time. We are not told who was the guy whom Anand had seen. But then he’s thinking about manoj so it makes sense the conversation that comes next be between Anand and Manoj. But then where does this Basant pops up from in the next paragraph. Now, it was more confusing because Anand was talking to Basant prior to seeing the mystery guy and running after him. I read this and was thinking what had happened. Did he meet Manoj and basant’s name has been mistyped here? Was Manoj the mystery guy and Basant’s name had been mistyped? This whole scenario was perplexing for me.
Now, after having read the story  for the second time i can guess that it would have been  Manoj that he saw and instead of Basant the dialogue was spoken by Manoj. It was mistakenly typed Basant there. I don’t know whether i have been able to make myself clear but if you’ll read the story you’ll know what i’m talking about. I couldn’t type the whole portion here because it would be reveal some important portion of the story. But this thing did create a confusion for me and affected my reading experience.
The second issue with the story that i had was with the ending. It seemed to end abruptly for me. There were some good scenes before the ending. We almost get to what had happend and who the spirit is. I was thinking that the story will move forward from there. There would be some kind of mystery or thrill waiting for me but it just ended. Now I get it that  Anand turns from a non-believer to a believer. But i thought it could have been made much more interesting for the reader. We could have shown how did the episode affected Anand. Or the encounter could have been made much more scarier. There were a lot of possiblites that i think could be explored and the story would have been a better read because of them.
These were the two issues that i felt the story had. I think the writer should correct the first issue as it’s just an editing mistake. Apart from it, at page 3 instead of coming oming is used. 
Right then they saw Anand oming out of the house…
I think Tarang should write more horror fiction. It would be great if she expands this one. Also, I would like to read longer works by her in this genre. 
If you have read this story then how did you felt about it. You can write your thoughts in the comment section. If you haven’t read this one and want to read it,then you can read it on the following link:


Tarang Sinha has her own blog where she posts reviews and other stuff. You can read her here:
Tarang Sinha’s Blog

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

विकास नैनवाल को अलग अलग तरह के विषयों पर लिखना पसंद है। साहित्य में गहरी रूचि है। एक बुक जर्नल नाम से एक वेब पत्रिका और दुईबात नाम से वह अपनी व्यक्तिगत वेबसाईट का संचालन भी करते हैं।

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2 Comments on “It rained that Night by Tarang Sinha”

    1. The pleasure was all mine, Tarang ji. I hope you'll be writing more in the horror genre. Looking forward to reading more works by you.

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