In the Shade by Jacob Stanley

Rating : 3.5/5
Read between July 26th 2017 to 28th July 2017

Edition Details:
Format: E-book
Page Count : 50

In the Shade by Jacob Stanley

First Sentence:
Ben sat at the kitchen table with a gun in his lap.

Ben and Harold had lost everything that they loved. They had only each other now. Although they were brothers, but they were very different from each other especially in the way they were dealing with the tragedy. Harold decided to deal with his pain by cutting him off from the world and working round the clock. Ben on the other hand decided to loose his pain in drugs. Both cared for each other and were worried about the other one.

So, when Ben one day watches Harold bring a woman back, he is happy for him. He thinks Harold has finally moved on. But then after some days when he accidentally finds out that  the same woman has gone missing, it strikes Ben as odd. He cannot help himself but think that Harold has done something to her.

Has Harold finally gone over the edge?

Ben hopes this is all a misunderstanding and he wants to clear this. He wants to talk to Harold about this and assuage his fears.

Where did the woman go? Is Harold involved in her disappearance? If yes, then what has he done to her?

In the shade has been a pretty decent read for me. It was a good mix of suspense, mystery, sci-fi and horror and i enjoyed reading it. It hooked me from the start. When i first started reading it and found about two brothers, one super intelligent and other average, i couldn’t help think about Stephen King’s The end of the whole mess. But thankfully apart from having two brothers it has nothing in common with it.

In this novelette the author has given a glimpse of creatures of another world, a world that he apparently explores in Titan’s song series. I liked the concept and it has piqued my interest in the world that he has created. I would definitely be trying that series in the future.

Meanwhile, if you are looking for a quick sci-fi,horror read then this one perfectly suits the criteria. I finished it pretty quick and it was worth the time spent.

The only thing that i found off was that the story could have been ended when the character finds out about himself. That would have been cool. I think the last chapter was not that much necessary. I like those type of ambiguous endings where it’s left on the reader to complete the story but then it’s me and you may not find so.

If you have read the book then do tell me what did you think of it. If you haven’t then you can get the book from the following link:

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

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