Finder’s Fee by Joshua Viola

Read on 26th of November 2019

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Format: E-book
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Finder's Fee by Joshua Viola
Finder’s Fee by Joshua Viola

First Sentence:
Templeton saw the dog as soon as he switched off the car.

Templeton lived alone but he liked his life. He had a set routine which he liked to follow. He didn’t want anything else.

But then ‘Disruptor’ came into his life.  Disruptor was a dog that had just come on his porch one day. Templeton didn’t like it at first but then gradually grew fond of it.

And so Templeton decided he will try to find Disruptor’s owner for him. He couldn’t call animal services on him.

Who was Disruptor? Where did it come from? Was Templeton able to return it to his owner?

My Views:

Human beings carve relationship. It doesn’t matter how strongly one want to stay all by himself, there will always be an innate need inside every human to form a bond. I think it’s natural. And i think apart from a dog there is no other creature who has a capability to bring this need to the surface with such force. No matter where you are if you see a dog there are high chances you will try to be friendly with it. There is something about them (if you are not an douchebag of course) that makes you want to trust them and be friendly with them especially if they are very cute and are initiating the friendship.

Finder’s Fee  also plays on these two aspects of human being- the need to form bonds and the need to be friendly to a friendly dog and twists them into something sinister.

The story takes place over a period of seven days where you get to see how life unfolds before Templeton after he finds disruptor in his life. The story is engaging and you want to see what would happen next.

Although, i had a slight inkling about what is going to happen in the end and i knew to whom it would happen but i wanted to know how it would take place. And it was worth reading as it creeped me out a lot.

Joshua has taken one of the most friendliest creatures in the world and has turned them into something that you would have trouble trusting after reading this short story.  It affected me all the more because recently there is a stray dog that had started coming to my place and i used to feed him just like Templeton did. I’ve not stopped feeding it yet but after  reading the story let’s just say that i would keep my distance from him. I wouldn’t give in to it’s cute looks.

In the end I would say Finder’s Fee by Joshua Viola is a short, sweet and sinister piece of fiction that i enjoyed reading. If you want to a quick short read then give it a try. It’s worth it.

Rating: 3.5/5

You can get the book from the following link:
Finder’s Fee

© विकास नैनवाल ‘अंजान’

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