Ghost Writer by Netta Newbound

Book was read between 15th August 2018 and August 18,2018

Edition Details::
Format : E-book
Page Count: 130
Publisher: Junction Publishing

First Sentence:
 I groaned and checked my Facebook page for the hundredth time that day.

Natalie Cooper was a bestselling author. It had been three years since her first book was published and she had already published fourteen books. Every thing was going on great for her. She had just finished her latest book and was now gearing up to write another one.

But then something happened. The ideas stopped coming. She tried everything but she couldn’t write even a single word.

Natalie thought if this thing continued then her writing career would be over. And then one day she found something scribbled on a piece of paper. It was a written by hand and she could tell it was her handwriting but she had no memory of writing it. She was perplexed but the story seemed good. It could serve as a whole new chapter of a book.

She thought it was her subconscious mind but at least she was writing. That was something relieving. But then things started happening  in her life that made her think something was not right.

A chance mention of the new story and it’s characters on a popular morning show started a chain of scary events that turned her life upside down. She was contacted by the police officers. And to top it all the attacks started happening.

Suddenly, Natalie found herself in a middle of something that she had no wish of entering. She didn’t knew who these people were but knew they were serious. They were serious enough to try and  kill her and her husband.

Who was the guiding force behind her writing sessions?

What had Natalie written? 

Would she be able to survive this onslaught of attacks? 

Who were the people who were after Natalie? What were they trying to hide? Did they succeed in getting what they want?

Natalie knew the answer was in the book. But would she be able to stay alive to write it?

You’ll have to read the book to find that out.

Main Characters:
Natalie Cooper – Author and Protagonist
Steven – Natalie’s husband
Ryan Coultard – A journalist and character in Natalie’s book
Jane – Ryan’s fiance
Peter Armitage – Natalie’s brother
Abigail- Peter’s wife
Cath – Natalie’s agent
Carly and Stu – Host of the Morning Show
DI Kenny and DS Munore- policemen
James – Neighbour of Natalie

Ghostwriter was my first Netta Newbound and i’ll definitely look forward to reading her other works. Thrillers and Supernatural fiction are two of my favourite genre and it has both in it(a tinge of supernatural but that’s something). I liked the concept and the way it was executed. The book instantly hooks you up and then it becomes hard for a reader to let it go.

The characters fit the story and the plot is tight without any unnecessary description. This makes the book a fast paced read and something that i like reading.

There was one another reason that i think made the book more interesting( in a morbid way) to me.
It’s said that fiction is inspired by real life but then there are times when fiction coincides with real life. This book has a plot point which is related to children’s home and involves some very powerful people.This hit closer to home because when i was reading this book a real crime like this came into light in India. IA person who was close to some powerful people used to run an orphanage that was involved in catering minor girls to these powerful people. This was something uncanny.

But i guess people are similar all over the world. They are good in the same way and bad in the similar fashion. The color of the skin may be different but inside we are same whether it be in being good or being evil.

The book keeps you on edge till the end. There is a twist in the end that I could figure out but it doesn’t take much from the story’s thrill quotient. So, i didn’t have much problem with that. It’s just that my parents have warned me that if a person is being unnecessarily too sweet and too chummy then you should be careful around him/her. And i have often found out that they were right about it.

If you are into thriller then you should definitely try this one. If you have read the book then do tell me what did you feel about it. I would love to hear from you.

If you want to read the book then you can get the book from the following link:

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

विकास नैनवाल को अलग अलग तरह के विषयों पर लिखना पसंद है। साहित्य में गहरी रूचि है। एक बुक जर्नल नाम से एक वेब पत्रिका और दुईबात नाम से वह अपनी व्यक्तिगत वेबसाईट का संचालन भी करते हैं।

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