Some Lie and Some Die by Ruth Rendell

Rating : 3.5/5
Read Between :From  June 15 to 17th of June 2015

Edition Details:
Format : paperback
Page count:191
Publisher: Arrow Books
Series : Inspector Wexford #8

First Sentence:
But Why here?

The pop festival at Sunday’s was talk of the town. The young people were enjoying themselves while the older ones were being apprehensive about the event. But most of the festival went without any mishap. The sun was shining and most of the people were happy.
Then the weather changed.And a young couple found a body in the quarry. The body was of a local girl, Dawn Stonor, who had come to a sudden visit to the town. Why was she here? And how did she ended up in the quarry? Also there appeared some relation between the star of the show and this local girl. Was there any thing true in this or was this just a fan’s fantasy? If yes then did the star had any role to play in the mishap. These are the questions of which  Chief Inspector Wexford had to find answers to solve the mystery.  

Some lie and some die is a murder mystery. It’s the first Inspector Wexford mystery that i have read.It was decent book to read. I couldn’t find out about the killer till the ends and that’s what qualifies as a good mystery for me. But it’s not very fast paced. It’s set up in a small town so it has the character of small towns in it. The twist and turns were there in the book and you’ll keep reading for finding out the true killer.

The protagonist of the story chief Inspector Wexford is not a young guy but a man in his sixties. He has seen it all.Although he’s elder but his attitude towards life seemed better than most of the characters that i encountered in the book. The best thing about reading a novel is that you get to know the thoughts of a character and that some how connects you more to it. It is not so in mediums like TV or films. So, i can say that i liked to know inspector Wexford. I liked to read his thoughts about life and youth in general. He seems to be that old guy who genuinely gets along with the younger generation and shares a fellowship with them. His method of investigation has more of a mental side then the physical one.
If you are looking for story full of  action where the hero bashes the bad guys then you’ll be disappointed. But if you are looking for a mystery set in some idyllic town then you’re in a for a treat. I’d be surely looking for more Inspector Wexford mysteries.

Some line from the book that i liked:
“Yes, I do see. Of course I do.” She paused, frowning, ‘But, people are like little worlds, aren’t they? There’s so much in everyone, depths and layers, strange countries if we are talking about worlds. I might just be showing you the wrong country.’

Please feel free to share your views about the book  if you’ve read it. If you haven’t read the book you can get it from the following links:

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

विकास नैनवाल को अलग अलग तरह के विषयों पर उन्हें लिखना पसंद है। एक बुक जर्नल नाम से एक वेब पत्रिका और दुईबात नाम से वह अपनी व्यक्तिगत वेबसाईट का संचालन भी करते हैं।

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