Sherlock Holmes: The Plague of Dracula by Stephen Seitz

Rating : 3.5/5
Novel was read on 24th July,2016

Edition Details:
Page Count : 202
Publisher : Jaico

First Sentence:
Dear Mary,
Holmes is dozing, so i am taking this opportunity to explain my actions over the last few days.

Sherlock holmes has been asked by Mina murray to find her fiancé Jonathan Harker. Jonathan had gone to Transylvania to meet Count Dracula. Mina thinks Jonathan may be in danger. Will Sherlock be able to find him and save him? And is Count Dracula real or just a ploy to deceive people? Sherlock has decided to lock horns with the notorious Count. Read the book to find out what happens next.

I have read most of the stories and all novels featuring Sherlock Holmes and have read the Dracula too, so when i heard about this amalgamation of two these two  amazing characters i had to get the book and read it.
I have a habit that if i like a premise of a book i buy it and keep it in my collection. After that it may be a long time before i sit down to read it. It’s because  most of the times when i read the synopsis i develop an expectation from that book and i hate delving into a book with expectation. So yesterday ie on 24th of July,2016 when i started reading Sherlock Holmes and The plague of Dracula it was a random choice. It had been a long since i had purchased it and so i entered the book with no expectation.
Now if you have read works involving both these characters viz Dracula and Sherlock Holmes then you would know they are at opposite end of an spectrum.
Sherlock doesn’t believe in supernatural and Dracula is nothing but Supernatural.
So it was fun to see Sherlock and Dracula opposite each other although we see very less of Dracula then i would have liked to see and hence the rating.
The book merges story of Mina Murray and Jonathan Harker as Mina goes to Sherlock to find her fiance who had gone to Castle Dracula for a task. The book is divided into three parts. The first two parts for me were more interesting than the last part. It was because here i could see the conflict between the two diametrically opposite characters. Most of the times Sherlock was working towards proving that Dracula is nothing but a facade. It was fun reading his and Watson’s attempt in doing that.
The third part The Great Hiatus was less intriguing and a little bit boring for me. But the ending more than makes up for it.
I would like to say if you are into Sherlock Holmes and Dracula, then you’d like this crossover. If you haven’t read either the Sherlock Holmes or Dracula then you should read that first.
If you have read it then do tell me how did you felt about it? If you haven’t then you can get it from here:

Some lines from the book:

“What would they make of modern medicine?”,he said,”Cure someone,Watson, and they’ll burn you at the stake.” “Not before they drive one through your heart,” I replied sourly.”

She said something else in Hungarian. I stared , mute as a post, and then one of them said, her voice mellifluous and seductive despite her accent,”Are you the English also?” I nodded dumbly. “You stare with such wonder,”she said.”Have you never seen women before?” “I thought i had,” i replied, almost in a whisper.

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

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