Our Moon Has Blood Clots by Rahul Pandita

Rating: 5/5
Read Between :March 25 to April 2

Edition Details:
Format: Paperback
Page count: 257
Publisher: Random House India

First Sentence:
They found the old man dead in his tent, with a pack of chilled milk pressed against his right cheek.

‘Kashmir’ whenever i used to hear this word the picture that came to my mind was of shikaras floating on water, orchards laden with Kashmiri apples,dry fruits etc, people strolling with kangri inside their dresses, valleys, snows and everything which made Jehangir say that, ‘If there is heaven on earth then its only in Kashmir.’ But this book has changed the that picture of Kashmir for me.

‘Our moon has blood clots’ is the life history of Kashmiri Pandits who were forced  to flee from their homes due to the persecution that was meted out to the community by the Islamic militant forces. The author Rahul Pandita is one of the Kashmiri Pandits who had to go through this along with his family. It is the experiences of these brothers and sisters of us that Rahul  has shown in this book. He has given a glimpse of the life that they had to go through. Reading this book will acquaint you with the history of Kashmir and Kashmiri Pandits. The changes they have to see in both social and political aspects of life. One gets to know the circumstances that had forced this exodus and how the life of members of this particular community changed due to it.

It’s been more than two weeks when i finished this book but i couldn’t decide what to write about it. I’m still thinking.

I can say only that  this memoir should be read by every one in the country. This book made me sad and sometimes made me angry. But then the author tells an anecdote which goes like this:

We were there to debate human rights violations in Kashmir and I pointed out that there needs to be zero tolerance policy towards such crimes. ‘How can you say that?’, he barked. ‘It is they who have forced you out of your homes,turning you into refugees.’
I looked at him in the eye and said,’General, I’ve lost my home, not my humanity’.

This not only changed the way i felt but increased my respect towards the guy.This book touched me at the core and i was left wondering why the plight of Kashmiri Pandits is such hush hush topic. What is sad, is  that there have been no convictions for the atrocities that were committed during that time. It’s a piece of history that every one should know irrespective of religion so that nothing shameful like this ever happens in our country again. Please, read this book guys.

Link for Our moon has blood clots:

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

विकास नैनवाल को अलग अलग तरह के विषयों पर उन्हें लिखना पसंद है। एक बुक जर्नल नाम से एक वेब पत्रिका और दुईबात नाम से वह अपनी व्यक्तिगत वेबसाईट का संचालन भी करते हैं।

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