Jimbo by Algernon Blackwood

Rating : 2.5/5
Finished On : 13th of May 2014

Edition Details:
Format :ebook
Source : Project Gutenberg
Pages : 144(approx)

First Sentence :
Jimbo’s governess ought to have known better- but she didn’t.

James aka Jimbo is an eight year old boy with an over imaginative mind. His father who’s a retired colonel doesn’t approves of his imagination and sees it as a hindrance in his son’s development. He wants his son to grow up to be  a practical man. So, for ensuring this he appoints Miss Ethel Lake as a governess for his kids and gives her the responsibility to suppress the imagination of the boy.
But Miss Ethel has no idea how to deal with a boy like Jimbo.

‘So it came about that three months later, when May was melting into June, Miss Ethel Lake arrived upon the scene as a result of the Colonel’s blundering good intentions. She brought with her a kind disposition, a supreme ignorance of unordinary children, a large store of self-confidence—and a corded yellow tin box.’

 The method she employs backfires and then the events occur which will transform Jimbo’s life for ever .

The book was a short read. The story kept me engaged but i felt i would have enjoyed the book better if i had  read it when i was a kid. The theme of the book seems that instead of cowering before our fear, we
should face them and we’ll see that they are not as fearful and we are
not as weak as we think. The younger people would enjoy this book more than the adults. They would find it more scarier and thus more entertaining.

Well, if you have read the book, please feel free to share your views and if you haven’t you can give it a try.

The book is in  public domain and you can download the book from the following links:
 Gutenberg link for Algernon Blackwood’s Jimbo
Amazon.com link for Jimbo
Feedbook link for Jimbo
Manybooks link for Jimbo by Algernon Blackwood

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

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