Beware by Richard Laymon

Rating: 3.5/5
Read between July 7th to July 10th

Edition Details:
page Count: 279
Publisher : Headline

First Sentence:
On the night it began, Frank and Joan Bessler left the stifling heat of their home and walked four blocks to Hoffman’s Market.

Oasis is  a small town which had been peaceful till now. But weird things are happening there. A meat cleaver in  a supermarket flies itself and attacks  a person. A dog that was kept to guard the supermarket is found murdered brutally. The assailant is not visible and people are sure that something sinister and dark  is behind all this. Who was the assailant? How did he entered the town? If it’s something dark and supernatural, then who summoned it?

In some other part Mathew Dukane has been given a task to bring back a nineteen year old girl that has joined some occult group. On his mission he witness that group to give a human sacrifice and engage in an orgy. Will he be successful in his mission? Who are these people in this occult group? Are they some nut jobs?

Well, to find the answer to the above questions, you’ll have to read the book.

Beware is the first Richard Laymon book that i’ve ever read. The first thing that I would like to say is that it’s not for people who are squeamish. It has gore and lot’s of it. If you are okay with it then you’re going to enjoy it. As far as i’m concerned i found the book a good read.

There are two stories going side by side and both are thrilling to read. And it becomes more fun when the two stories eventually converge and the characters from both meet. It’s fun read and if you are into slasher movies then you’re going to like it.

Although, one may think that what happened to SDF (Spritual Development Foundation) which was so powerful. A powerful organisation must not be relying on a  single leader so what happened when the leader died. I bet one more novel can come out of it. But that’s only my wishful thinking.

You can get the book from the following link:

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

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