यहाँ उन श्रृंखलाओं की सूची है जो मैं पूरी पढना चाहूँगा। या पढ़ चुका हूँ। हर लिंक आपको एक पृष्ठ पर ले जायेगा जिधर उस श्रृंखला में मौजूद सभी उपन्यासों की सूची होगी। उस सूची में जो भी सक्रिय लिंक होंगे, वो उन पृष्ठों पर ले जाते हैं जिस पर मैंने उस उपन्यास के विषय में अपनी राय दी है।
(I have always loved reading novels that are part of a series, I feel that as a reader i find more attached to the characters that are in a series. We can see the changes that happen to these characters and the society as the series progresses over a period of time. In the stand alone novel that is not possible.
Here is the list of series that i’m pursuing and i hope to complete one day. Each link will take you to the page where the list of novels belonging to that particular series are listed. The active links there would lead you to my post about that particular novel.)
© विकास नैनवाल ‘अंजान’