Creed by James Herbert

Rating 2.5/5
Read between November 19th, 2017 and November 26th,2017

Edition Details:
Format : Paperback
Page Count: 386
Publisher : Pan Books

First Sentence:
The first thing you need to know about Joseph Creed is that he’s a sleaze of the first Order- maybe even of the Grand Order, considering his trade.

Jospeh Creed is a paparazzo and he’s the best at what he does.When Lily Neverless, a yesteryear’s actress, dies he knows it’s going to be a good opportunity to click some news worthy photos. And he does gets some good shots. But these shots are not of the funeral and somebody doesn’t wants these shots to be sent for publishing. They are going to do every thing to stop him.

Creed is now scared. The forces that are after him doesn’t seem real and he hasn’t the foggiest idea about how to deal with them.

The chase has begun. Will he survive that?

Main Characters :
Joseph Creed – The paparazzo 
Lily Neverless – An actress who died recently
Anthony Blythe -The daily Dispatch’s gossip columnist
Prunella -Worked in Anthony’s team
Grin- Jospeh’s cat
Evelyn – Creed’s ex-wife
Sam – Creed’s son
Cally Mcnally – Worked for Page Lidtrap, a production company. She wanted Creed to click her boss’ photographs
Daniel Lidtrap – Director of Page Lidtrap
Bluto – Another Paparazzo and Creed’s main competitor
Freddy Squires – Picture editor at The Daily Dispatch
Nicholas Mallik – A notorious serial killed who was hanged in the thirties
James Herbert’s Creed was a fun read. There were few scenes here which were definitely scary and i loved reading them. The story was interesting and kept me hooked to it. There were some mysterious elements in the book and that too made the story engaging. Also, the story gives you  a glimpse of the life a paparazzi. They really must have thick skin to do such work. 

Now after mentioning what i liked about the book, i should get on to the points that i didn’t like about the book.
We are told many times that Joseph Creed, the protagonist of the story,is a selfish prick who doesn’t give a damn about anyone. It’s true for the novel but the way he’s shown he doesn’t appear to be that bigger of prick. I think author has iterated it so many times that i was expecting Creed to be a much bigger of an assh**e that what he is portrayed.
The reason why these powers are after the creed and what they really wanted from him didn’t gel with me. Also the ending was kind of a dampener. Those antagonists had so much power with them but i think they didn’t know how to use them. I was reading the book and was thinking to myself that i could have taught them something and that those fools deserved what they got. I wished the antagonist would have much stronger that what was in the novel.
I think it can be read once.The better ending and more scarier antagonists would have made this even a better book. If you have read this book then do tell me what did you think about it? 
If you haven’t and want to read it then you  can get the book from the following links:


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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

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