My Kind of Girl – Buddhadeva Bose

Rating : 3.5/5
Read between July 07 to July 8th

Edition Details:
Format: Hardback
Page Count: 171
Publisher: Random House India
Translated by : Arunava Sinha

First Sentence:
A bitingly cold night in December.

 My Kind of Girl is a book about middle aged guys telling the story of their first love. When a goods trained gets derailed near Aligarh the passengers have no choice but to wait at Tudla station. It’s a biting cold night of December. The second class waiting room is occupied by four persons who are complete strangers: A businessman,a bureaucrat, a doctor and a writer. They are getting bored sitting there when a young couple enters the waiting room but goes back after seeing them. They begin to speculate about who this couple was and come to an agreement that they must be the newly weds in search of a secluded space. This speculation leads the talk towards their first love and how they used to feel like that young couple and how age has eroded those feeling from them. They decide to tell each other the story about the person that they fell in love with the first time to pass the time.

What can be more beautiful than the first love? The first time our heart fluttered at the sight of another person is a feeling that he/she cherishes for the entire life. This book is about those memories. Often we forget our own lives than something small happens and we get reminded of the memories- it may be a smell, a scenery or something that we hear. In this book a young couple is the catalyst that makes four middle aged persons reminisce about their first love.

The stories narrated by the four narrators are sometimes sad, sometimes cute but i think in most of them  i saw a part of me and it made the reading personal.

At the end i would just say that for most men it could be a journey down the memory lane and for women to get a glimpse of how boy react to their first crushes. First love more often then not  a tragic affair, especially for boys. The stories are most of the times sad but are beautiful to read. The book can be read once although i’m going to read it again for sure.

You can get the book from the following link:

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

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