Format: Paperback
page count: 166
publisher: indian thought publication
Chandran was just climbing the steps of the college union when Natesan, the secretary, sprang on him and said,”You are just the person i was looking for.”

Was Chandran able to execute his plan and study? What were the things that kept cropping up? How did he manage his life?
Now talking about the book. The book is divided into four parts and i could relate to all the parts at different levels.
In the first part of the book we see Chandran as a student. He decides to be serious about his studies and makes a time table for each of his subjects. But the moment he does it i knew it was doomed because during my college years i had made such time tables and had realised the moment you have decided you’ll do some thing at xyz time something or other will happen and would disturb your schedule. Needless to say that’s what happens with Chandarn. This part has very funny incidents and i enjoyed reading it.

The third and last part of the story is one where Chandran seems to go through a lot. I could empathise with him. I know some may find the things he does initially ridiculous but then they haven’t been struck by the thunderbolt. You lose your mind when you are struck and can easily go into self destruct mode. That kind of infatuation has such a hold on you. I can acknowledge during the time when i was afflicted with this i had similar thoughts and i was in 12th. But i stuck with life and now i know you can live with it.
As far as the last part is concerned i loved the direction in which Narayan took the story. I have read most of his books and the way i remember it most of his main characters are sad at the end. I remember i used to hate the way Narayan ended his books. I used to start caring for the characters so much that when i reached the end and find out they didn’t get what they wanted or were sad, i used to hate on Narayan for being so mean. I used to think, man we couldn’t get in life what we want, at least give these poor sods that things that they were striving for and they weren’t even asking for that much. But that’s what the beauty of Narayan is and makes me want to read his book again and again. He makes you fall in love with his characters. They are so realistic and simple you can easily connect to them and feel that you know someone like them.
Talking of characters there were few interesting characters in this book. I liked the guy who wanted to form an organisation to fight the British. I’m forgetting his name. I really wanted to know what happened to him. And then there was Kailas whom Chandran encounters in the third part. He’s there in the book for a short time but he was interesting like hell. I would have liked to know a lot more about him. He had some dope advise to give to Chandran. I thought he was more like Lord Henry Wotton of Oscar Wilde’s The picture of Dorian Gray. He could have taught a thing or two to Chandran if he had remained with him a little bit longer. What do you think of this comparison? Is it only me?
In the end i would say, i loved the book and the ending. If you have read the book then do tell me what did you feel about it.
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