Call the Dying by Andrew Taylor

Rating : 3.5/5
Finished On :17th November 2014

Edition Details:
Format : Paperback
Page Count: 436
Publisher: Hodder
Series: Lydmouth #7

First Sentence:
The twelve diary entries were written on loose sheets of writing  paper and placed, apparently at random, in an envelope found at the residence of the accused.

Call the dying is the seventh novel by Andrew Taylor set in Lydmouth. Winter is settling in Lydmouth. Meanwhile. the town is witnessing a bitter war of circulation between the two local newspapers.  The tranquility of the town is broken by a series of criminal activities which involve murder of a retired doctor, disappearance of a television engineer, attacks on people and offices of Gazette and activities of ‘The pisser’,who like to urinate in people’s mail boxes. Chief Inspector Thornhill has to investigate into these activities along with solving the personal issues that seem to mar his home life. Also,Jill Francis is back. She had never thought she would come back from London but circumstances have forced her to come back to Lydmouth and act as an acting editor of Gazette. Will peace be restored in the town? Will the culprits responsible would be arrested? Read the book to find out.

I liked the book. It reminds you of life in a small town where every one knows everyone. It also has pace of life in small town and so people may find it a little slow. But as i come from the small town i could relate to it.  The mystery behind the different criminal activities kept me reading the book and i must say i couldn’t realize who the culprit was till the end. Also, there are many things happening at once which also add to the interest. The book is the seventh novel set in the Lydmouth and so the lives of residents of the town are progressing. We also become audience to their personal woes and happiness. Personally, as i have not read the previous books i found it little boring as it was deviating interest from the main issue ie the murder and it’s culprit. But i think people who have been following the series would love it and will not find it boring.  In the end i would say, i liked the book and if it would have been a little fast paced i would have given it a full 4 star rating.

Quotes from the book:

The past is a foreign country.

Jill was furious. The anger was for Charlotte, rather than for herself; and an altruistic anger was often more intense because it was so wholly righteous, never adulterated with the knowledge of one’s own fallibility or one’s own guilt.

If you want to read the book,you can buy it from these links:

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About विकास नैनवाल 'अंजान'

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